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Hospital Particular Alvor


Atendimento Permanente


Learn about the indications and advantages of stereotactic-guided breast intervention

Percutaneous interventions guided by imaging techniques in Breast Pathology are safe, precise, and minimally invasive procedures.

Mammography-guided intervention, through a method called stereotaxy that accurately calculates the coordinates of the site with suspicious changes:

- it is a quick and practically painless method;

- allows the biopsy of breast lesions that do not have ultrasound or palpation (infra-clinical) translation, namely for the reliable diagnosis of suspicious calcifications, parenchymal distortions, and small masses;

- allows marking with clips or harpoons for evolutionary control or guidance for conservative surgical treatment.

In HPM, breast biopsies, as well as other breast intervention procedures, can be performed with ultrasound guidance and now also by stereotaxis.




18, February 2020